The Power that Lifts Up When We Fall
The Power that Lifts Up When We Fall
Lucinda Secrest McDowell
My first thought was, “What am I doing sprawled at the bottom of these stairs?”
Beside me, I noticed my purse in the corner and one shoe lying nearby.
I didn’t know exactly how I had fallen down the stairs, but as I was bundled off into an ambulance, I knew I was in big trouble.
My mind raced with the ambulance.
I thought about how great the weekend conference had been going and how well-received my first two presentations had been. I remembered eager anticipation of a free afternoon exploring the quaint Amish countryside.
A trip to the Lancaster emergency room had not been on my agenda.
Now here I was – injured in an unfamiliar city. Tears streamed down my face as I prayed for God to help guide me and be with me in this strange hospital.
God’s promise “Fear not, for I am with you.” (Isaiah 43.5) calmed me during the hours of treatment for a broken leg and the dread that engulfed me after hearing I’d be immobilized all of November and December.
“So, what’s the subject of your talk tonight?” the technician teased after she had heard my story.
“God’s Presence in the Midst of Suffering,” I weakly replied, the irony all too apparent.
After vulnerably receiving lots of help in getting dressed later that evening, I rolled into the meeting room and invited the ladies to gather around my wheelchair. And very quietly and gratefully I experienced the reality of Acts 1.8 “Receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you.”
“Let’s have a fireside chat about Christ’s presence in the midst of our suffering,” I said. Armed with power from on high and a slight dose of painkillers, I found the strength to speak and pray with them all evening.
My pain subsided. I sensed a power go through my words; but more importantly, a peace came through my willingness to be a living example of a surrendered soul. My natural responses of panic and worry faded, replaced by serenity and trust.
Soon after I returned home, a beautiful potholder quilt made by all the conferees arrived with this note, “Thanks for showing us the power of the Holy Spirit to persevere and be used even when the going gets tough.”
I believe that “God’s divine power has given us everything we need” (II Peter 1.3) for all the unexpecteds that come our way. Yes, the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is available to every believer. But that doesn’t mean we always choose to live in that power. It is up to us to willingly receive it.
The power and strength of God live within us by His Holy Spirit and the revelation of that truth releases spiritual power in our lives which strengthens both our bodies and spirits. The Greek word dunamis is often used in reference to the power of the Holy Spirit available to us. This word is the root word for dynamic, dynamo and dynamite. Dynamite power, by way of the Holy Spirit, enables us to be more than conquerors (spiritual dynamos) and stronger people.
“The anointing of Holy Spirit power is the difference between what you can do and what God can do. It’s the place where the power of God and the favor of God intersect. It’s the difference between the natural and the supernatural. It’s the difference between the temporal and the eternal. It’s the difference between success and failure.” (Mark Batterson)
Are you tired of trying to live an unlimited life with only limited power?
Be filled with God’s Spirit today – and then, watch out world!
“O Holy Spirit, as the sun is full of light, the ocean full of water, Heaven full of glory, so may my heart be full of Thee. Give me Thyself without measure, as an unimpaired fountain, as inexhaustible riches. Suffer me not to grieve or resist Thee. Come as Power, to expel every rebel lust, to reign supreme and keep me Thine; Come as Teacher, leading me into all truth, filling me with all understanding; Come as Love, that I may adore the Father, and love Him as my all; Come as Joy, to dwell in me, move in me, animate me; Come as Light, illuminating the Scripture, molding me in its laws; Come as Sanctifier, body, soul and spirit wholly Thine; Come as Helper, with strength to bless and keep, directing my every step. Magnify to me Thy glory by being magnified in me…Amen.” (Puritan Prayer “Valley of Vision”)
under the mercy, Lucinda
“Helping You Choose a Life of Serenity and Strength”
~ Excerpted from Day 22 in “Live These Words” by Lucinda Secrest McDowell
My newest book “Life-Giving Choices ~ 60 Days to What Matters Most” is a devotional journal which can help any woman make the most important choices every day. Coming out this Fall from the good folks at New Hope Publishers, it is available now for pre-order HERE.
©2019 Lucinda Secrest McDowell
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I have been so aware recently of Christians being tested in the very areas that they speak, teach, or write about. You became your own metaphor at this conference, Cindy. Thanks for sharing the story.
Yes, Maggie, the enemy will do just about anything to get us distracted and discouraged. So grateful for divine power…
You amaze and inspire me at every turn, Cindy. Thank you for that. Thank you for not holding back but for using every gift-the welcome ones and the unwelcome ones-for the glory of our God and Father. God bless you today!
Oh Cathy, it is (as you well know) our God who is Amazing and Inspiring at every turn! Aren’t we grateful for His divine power when we fall?
A wonderful encouragement as I deal with dialysis which can be very stressful on the body and mind. It surely bolstered my spirit and faith in God.
Oh yes, Deane, be assured that God’s divine power is there for you in your most difficult situation. Mike and I are privileged to pray for you daily.